Percentage Calculator

Percentage calculator is a free online tool to calculate percentages
1. How to calculate percentage of a number?
Example: What is 50% of 120?

To calculate a percentage of a number, we first have to convert our percent into a decimal. We do this by removing the percent sign and dividing by 100. In our example (50%), we divide 50/100, which is 0.5. Now we just have to multiply 0.5 with 120.

What is 50% of 120? 60
2. How to find what percent of X is Y?
Example: What percent of 120 is 60?

To find what percent of X is Y, we first divide 60/120. In our example, we divide 60/120 and get 0.5. Now we have to convert this decimal to a percent. We do this by multiplying by 100 and adding the percent sign. For our example this means, 0.5*100, which is 50 and by adding the percent sign we get 50%.

What percent of 120 is 60? 50%
3. How to calculate the percentage increase or decrease?
What is the percentage increase from 80 to 120?

To calculate a percentage change, we first define the starting and end value. In our example, the starting value is 80 and the end value is 120. Now subtract the end value by the starting value, this means 120-80, which is 40. This result now has to be divided by the starting value, in our case 40/80, which is 0.5. All that is left to do is to, multiply our result by 100 and add the percent sign. This means 0.5*100, which is 50 and by adding the percent sign we get 50%.

What is the percentage increase from 80 to 120? 50%
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